The Miranha are a group of indigenous people who live in Brazil, state of Amazonas (836 individuals according to the 2006 census), and Colombia (445 individuals according to the 1988 census).

Name and language

"Miranha" was a name used in colonial society as a generic name for various tribes who spoke languages unknown to the whites. The Miranha language is considered very close to the Bora language, and part of a group of isolated languages related to each other. The language is not used by these indios in Brazi, who use portuguese, but the Miranha indios and their descendants who live in Colombia still use it. There have been proposals to have cultural exchanges with the indios living in Colombia, such as bringing teachers to teach the Miranha language to the brazilian part of this tribe.


The indigenous territories for the Miranha were approved by the Indian Protection Service, and planned to be built on the middle Solimões (Amazon river) and Japurá back at the beginning of the 20th Century. The Méria Indigenous Land was demarcated in 1929 and had an area of more than 585 hectares. The Miratu Indigenous Land, on the middle Solimões, was demarcated in 1982 by the FUNAI, and had an area of 13 thousand hectares. The Cuiú-Cuiú Indigenous Land covers an area of 38 thousand hectares.

External links

*Miranha at