I can't believe this was a nodeshell!

Tick, Tick... BOOM! is a musical by the late Jonathan Larson, of RENT fame. He worked on this somewhat lesser known musical before abandoning it to work on RENT.

Originally, the show was intended to be a show for one actor entitled "30-90" which dealt with the issues facing a struggling artist turning 30 in 1990. The work was semi-autobiographical with respect to Larson himself, who faced the same omnious birthday.

After the success of RENT, interest was renewed in this forgotten work, and David Auburn, of Proof fame, reworked the script for a three person cast. The show played off broadway until January 6th, 2002 to largely favorable reviews. My evaluation is that if you loved RENT, you'll probably love Tick, Tick...BOOM!, or at least like it. Larson's style is obviously at work, and the music is just as catchy as you would expect.

The soundtrack listing is as follows:
1. 30/90
2. Green Green Dress
3. Johnny Can't Decide
4. Sunday
5. No More
6. Therapy
7. Real Life
8. Sugar
9. See Her Smile
10. Come To Your Senses
11. Why
12. Louder Than Words
13. Boho Days
14. 30/90 Playout