High School
Keeping Secrets
In the girls room
where you swore you wouldn't tell
and borrowed a kotex
from a junior named Amy

Passing along a
white index card
smeared with graphite
and the words
"Jackie is such a bitch!"
"Oliver is soo cute!"
Always exclaimation points.

Carrying around the pencil you borrowed
from Rob in English
Like a mundane treasure

And begging your algebra teacher
to postpone
the test
until Wednesday
while whispering that you'll never study

Saturday night parties at Jon's house
his parents are hardly ever home
you get tipsy
and make out with a senior in the hall closet
Your friend drives you home
in a chevy she inherited
from her brother
that smells of cat hair and pepsi

And you hate it
Yeah, it sucks
I wish I was all grown up

And wish
and forget