I taped this notice to the doors of my children's bedrooms a couple of days ago.



Do not make any plans for this day. You will clean your room to the management's satisfaction. This includes the sorting and putting away of all papers, as well as dusting and vacuuming. One large garbage bag will be provided.

Do not think of this as a chore. Think of it as a journey of discovery. Who knows what treasures you may unearth.

If you decide to risk the wrath of the management and not clean your room, be warned. The management will clean your room for you. The management will throw everything in the garbage bag without sorting it. This is your only warning.

A supper entirely made up of desserts will be provided for all those who participate. Requests can be posted on the marker board.

Have fun!

The Management

Several grocery bags full of paper and assorted junk has gone out the door.

Dairy Queen for supper! Yum!!!