This type of frog lives entirely underwater and can be introduced into any freshwater aquarium a fish might live in. Their skin is bumpy and spotted, usually middle to dark brown in color and they grow to be as big as two inches in the body. Although fully aquatic, they breathe the air on the outside of the aquarium.

This frog will eat about anything he is given. Brine shrimp are considered a delicacy for the frog. Frozen tubifex worms (a common betta food) are considered a valid daily meal. They can also be expected to eat tetra food. They will not, however, eat co-existing fish or live plants. Do not put this frog in a tank with agressive fish. Also, keep in mind the frog finds food by smelling around and nipping at the water rather than by searching by eye. Too much competition for food is bad, so keep his community small.

To keep the frog happy, healthy and contented, he should be fed once a day and be kept in water that is between 60° and 85° fahrenheit. It is said the frog prefers around 76°. In feeding, skipping a day or two, if you go out of town for the weekend, is ok. The frog is content with a 12 hour day. If in an aquarium, turn off the light at night and turn it on in the morning.

Recently I received one of these frogs as an anniversary gift, and since then I've grown very attached. His long legs and webbed feet make him look like a strange little person. Occasionally he will shed his skin. The first time I saw it, I was disgusted but I could not look away. My disgust quickly turned into morbid fascination. As he put his hind legs tight up against his body, so his back feet were above his head, and thrust himself towards the bottom of the tank, a translucent white sheath floated off of him. He spent the next twenty minutes trying to get the remaining skin off his feet and legs by violently flicking his leg out and biting at it with his mouth.

The African Dwarf Frog is described as a great frog for beginners because it is easy to take care of. Aside from that, they're very adorable creatures. From time to time they swim to the top to get air, then float back down to the bottom of the tank where they stand with all four limbs extended and one foot touching the ground. This is commonly referred to by owners of these frogs as "The Zen Position."

While I may be easily amused, I think any pet lover would do well to house one of these frogs. Watching a fish swim can be relaxing; watching a frog swim can be exciting. It's more of a swim-swim-swim-siiinnnk (or dive-dive-dive-flooaat) than the swim-eat-swim of fish.