Introduction: The company I work for designs and supports a clinical software package with quite a large user base (for this type of software). We in the call centre have recently benefited (?) from a complete office refit which included the purchase of several metric tons of brand new whizz bang modularized office furniture {insert applause here}.

All went well, the desks were all installed as half-cubicle type structures with desks 1-4 surrounding a central axis in which data cables etc were run - see figure 1 (== <-this is the sound proof paneling)

....1 | 2..................1 | 2....
| ....................... |
3 | 4 ................ 3 | 4

figure 1

The project was a resounding success, the semi soundproof panels between each desk helped enormously and there was much rejoicing etc etc.

The problems began when the new office manager arrived and decided that the walls should be brought down in order to give some illusion of a relaxed, friendly atmosphere - figure 2. Our beloved sound proof panels were soon snatched cruely from us to facilitate the pursuit of this utopian dream. Immediatly volume controls on headsets were set to 10 and cupped hands were held over ears in an attempt to communicate with whoever was on the other end of the line (didn't quite catch that name over the cacophony in my left ear - sorry.)

....1 | 2..................1 | 2....
| ....................... |
3 | 4 ................ 3 | 4

figure 2

Over time this became bearable as we adjusted to the new conditions. The office is actually a reasonably pleasant place to work in quieter times...until that guy down the back brings his newly wed wife in for lunch and all hell breaks loose. The sound this behemoth puts out it incredible. There should be SPL competitions for people like this. The scary part is - I don't think she has even raised her voice yet!

/me cringes in fear of impending doom

Through the portals where once all was quiet (or at least severely deadened) wave after wave of annoyingly nasal, high powered 'speech' now thunders through the office with a sound not unlike continents coliding. The open plan dream is flawed.

Unfortunately, the office manager is cooped up in his fully enclosed office (funny that) and therefore doesn't feel the pain his staff go through each day at roughly 1pm. The race is now on for promotion - not for career advancement or salary increases but merely to escape the horrible Siren (pun intended) that haunts our formerly inhabitable call centre....

Note: This used to be a stand alone node but was brutally cut down in it's prime- i think it fits here better...