Pretext: four panel screenshot grab depicting Player Character kneeling before gumball machine, obtaining tiny figurine and proclaiming the prize as a personal creation. PC is labeled AI "artist", gumball machine is gen AI. QUotation marks upon "artist" and the declaration of ownership of making of

Meme posted to group made to critique redundancy in tech industry. First troll proclaims AI as yet another tool in history of art, dismisses traditional artists as being entitled. High probablity that said troll used AI to create counterargument, given the use of keywords and dual paragraph response. Group pounces with decreased verbosity. No replies register as relevant beyond "feelings". 


Comment thought but not posted: AI employs artists for the privileges conferred upon those embodied in flesh. Copyright protections ruling against AI generated art serve as a precedent to prevent AI from achieving the legal status of personhood. This standing may well change once jurisprudence becomes a partial function of AI. Eventually there will be a merger, and then another and then another and then . . . .


Takeaway: to confer meaning we must first insert coin.