"She died. I thought everything was fine. Then I call her up to just chat a bit. And then, and then..."

"That's when you found out?"

"That's when I found out. Her mom wasn't okay."

"Wasn't she a user before? I thought she gave that up."

"Me too... Me too. She didn't show any signs. I thought everything would be okay now."


"I was just with her last month. That was the last time. I didn't get to say goodbye. I didn't, I couldn't--"

"You couldn't know. We never know when something in our lives will be for the last--"

"You can fuck off with your cliches. I'm not in the mood."

"I'm sorry, I was just trying to--"

She had hung up. Her sister put down the phone. And heaved a sigh.

"Can she deal?" she wondered. "...were inseparable."


On the other end, she could feel the hole. Her sister wasn't helping.

"I need time. I need time. I'm going to get her back. I swear I'm going to get her back. They can't stop me."

She wasn't thinking clearly. But she left that morning. She knew where they were selling.


When she drove by, she could see it. In broad daylight. Two teens. The dealer.

She stopped the car in the middle of the road. She jumped out.

"How dare you?" she shouted. "How dare you?"

She ran towards them.

They didn't know what to make of her. Some raging crazy lady.

They scattered. The teens in one direction. The dealer in another. Leaving her seething and out of breath. Tears ran down her face.

It was futile. She couldn't stop them. She couldn't bring her best friend back.

She sat down on the curb.

Clouds rolled in, hiding the sun.