In short: Trium is the cellphone branch of Mitsubishi Electric, originally born in France. They produce strange but stylish phones. (Astral, Galaxy, Geo, Aria, Cosmo, Neptune and Mondo are the models currently aviable)

Yep, yet another cellphone brand, who cares? Just think about it... owning a Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola or Alcatel is just like owning any phone. Their look&feel is quite the same (oh man, how bored I am of seeing the same menu system and graphics in every Nokia), nothing extraordinary, nothing groovey. When I purchase a device I always carry with, I need something that fits me. And being like everyone else around certeanly does not fit me (well, I hope at least...). Trium is all about this: being original, being unique, giving you something the guy next door doesn't have. It appears in small things like the strange way of inserting the SIM card, the extreme way of entering the special characters, bizarre ringtones etc... the mentality is the important thing. Hell, I might be (I am, actually) biased (being a proud Trium Astral owner), but it's sooo cool the watch the faces of my friends when they discover another exciting solution of my phone...