Okay, this is getting ridiculous. It should be obvious to anyone who has argued with a creationist that there is, in fact, no evidence for lack of intelligent design in humans. Nor is there evidence for the nonexistence of God. Or evidence for the nonexistence of the Pink Unicorn. Or, for that matter, Unicron.

What many people have been claiming to be "evidence for the lack of intelligent design in humans" is simply a list of the imperfections in various species.

The person claiming the existence of intelligent design would simply immediately reply, "God moves in mysterious ways. We cannot guess at His psychology." His opponent might then say, "But the eye of man, the prostate, the wings of the African locust. . ." And then the proponent would simply say, "God wanted it that way. We cannot guess at why he does the things he does because he is infinitely greater than us, and therefore we have a complete lack of the ability to psychoanalyze him."

Or something. It is quite simply impossible to disprove the existence of an entity claimed by His supporters to be omnipotent and omniscient, and, for that matter, it is quite simply impossible to disprove that He has his hands in everything. The proponents can always hark on His arcane nature, inscrutable mind, and ubiquitous doings to throw out any argument the opponents have. It shouldn't be the burden of the opponents to disprove Him because, as I've said, they can't, but rather it should be the onus of his proponents to prove Him.