College Roomies from Hell is a daily comic by Maritza Campos. It's about the life of six college students that, despite looking normal, they're not.

The main characters are named: Mike (a tentacle freak, evil (in a good sort of way) and sensitive guy), Margaret (a gun nut and survivalist girl), Dave (a so called 'cyclops wannabe' that had a crush on Margaret and a cute cat called Chester), April (the most seemingly normal of the group, though also the most insane, IMHO), Roger (a weirdness magnet that has a rock and a coyote for mascots), and Marsha (who uses cuteness to bring people into submission and cooks like hell)

College Roomies from Hell is the horror, the funky horror. It's also a very funny comic strip.

Oh! I forgot! The three exclamation signs stands for excellence.