Jesus Fucking Christ. This is a livid Huskie writing here - I fully expect this to get doxed. This is NOT a submission for Iron Noder.
My turn to weigh in here.
nuggets, props to you for speaking up. We need more of you, and I am so sorry for the hot fucking mess my generation is leaving yours. Please do better.
As a queer, gender-divergent, non-Xian person well into their 40's; THIS ELECTION DIRECTLY AFFECTS MY LIFE, in a very literal way. Even living in a blue dot of an oasis (for those of you not familiar, "blue" is democratic/liberal voting) in a state that is generally considered one of the safer ones, there is still a WHITE FUCKING SUPREMIST FLAG flying freely outside a house I can see from my front window.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the USA is fairly well known for the ease at which folks can acquire firearms. Hell - in some other countries you can't even carry a fucking folding knife - but welcome to the land of the free. Guns are easy. Violence is prevalent.
Government policies aside, what's now happened, and is already happening is the empowerment of people to act against marginalized populations: Non-white, LGBTQIA+, immigrants- or ASSUMED immigrants, women, girls - etc. Non-white people, the literal day after the election, received vile texts telling them when to show up for their "plantation assignment". A poor excuse for a human podcaster already coined the phrase "Your body, MY choice" AND YOUNG BOYS ARE REPEATING THIS.
And there is no safe place with the authorities. ACAB is becoming very real here. Our protections are going to go. Also - specifically you, hazelnut should be concerned and paying attention. We are looking at potentially WWIII here - and the "great" USA is on the wrong fucking side of that coin. The likelihood of that starting in Europe is pretty fucking strong.
So with absolute disrespect, Hazelnut - Fuck off.