I'm another of those people who has never read h2g2 - but my copy from bol.com arrived yesterday, so I guess that can change.

(I also recently saw the Star Wars films for the first time, and someone's been telling me I must see Dogma, which is on tv on Tuesday, so that shall be sorted too)

1245 bst

MARTIN gets mention in oddly syntaxed sarcastic British e-zine

I got a text message last night from that chick from that party, suggesting a day of fun this Sunday. She picks the day, I pick the fun. Although I have no idea what kind of fun she has in mind. . .

Oh, and thanks to exams on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week, I'm going to have to study my ass off again. This afternoon, and tomorrow if I get a chance, will have to be spent in the library again. Yay.