"Earthside" is a term often used in science fiction to distinguish between Earth and off-world locations. It imples close contact with Earth or even routine travel between one's location in outer space and the Earth, say from an orbiting habitat or Luna. In cases where fantastic forms of high-speed travel or instant transport have been developed, the speaker could be anywhere in the Solar System or beyond.


  • In "The Martian" by Andy Weir, the protagonist Mark Watney uses the term "earthside" when referring to communication with NASA on Earth. He contrasts his situation on Mars with the support team back on Earth.
  • In the "The Expanse" series by James S. A. Corey, characters occasionally use "earthside" to describe people or situations on Earth, as opposed to those in space or on other planets.
  • In the film "Interstellar," directed by Christopher Nolan, there are instances where characters use "earthside" to refer to operations or communications happening on Earth, as opposed to in space or on other planets.
Side Quest 2024