You play on a 8-foot volleyball net in the Men's game. You play on a 7-foot-4-inch net in the Women's game.
The court is 30 feet wide and 60 feet long. The net divides the court into two 30'x30' sections.

  • Games are to 15 points
  • There are 6 players on the court. 3 close to the net(front court players) and 3 away from the net(back court players).
  • The 3 close to the net can jump to attack or block the ball. However, if you are one of the 3 back court players, you can jump to attack the ball only if you takeoff from behind the ten-foot line
  • You only can touch the ball if part of the ball is on your side of the court. I.e. part of the ball has crossed the extended plane of the net.
  • You can only score if your team served to start the rally
  • You win the rally if the ball drops on your opponent's court or if your opponent hits it outside of your court
  • When your team wins the rally that was started by the other team's serve, your team has a sideout
  • When your team sides-out, your team rotates your players' positions so the next server serves.
  • Rotation of the players happen clockwise

Here is a graphical representation of players on the court:

----------------------  (the net)
 |   1     2     3   |
 |                   |
 |-------------------| (the ten-foot line)
 |                   |
 |   6     5     4   |
 |                   |
 |-------------------| (the back line)