The Chair Game works best with ten or more players, a good kindergarten game. The players (hereafter called contestants for oomph) have one chair each, except for one. The chairs are placed back to back in a line, kind of like this:

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There can (should?) also be chairs at either end. The contestants now stand around the chairs, facing away from the chairs. Someone not playing the game (a kindergarten uncle, perhaps?) then puts on some music. When the music starts to play, the contestants move around the chairs (in the same direction). The game controller then stops the music suddenly, unexpectedly and all the contestants have to find a chair. This is naturally not possible, as there is one less chair than there are contestants. The person with no chair is out of the game. One chair is then removed.

The process repeats, and there are fewer and fewer chairs (and contestants). This can lead to overly desperate contestants fighting over a chair. When only one chair is left, the contestant who gets it is the winner. (D'Oh!)