Folk Names: Garden Lettuce, Lattouce, Sleep Wort
Gender/Planet/Element Associations: Feminine/Moon/Water
Divine Associations: Min

Ritual Uses:

Lettuce was sacred to the god Min in ancient Egypt; it was commonly placed in tombs as an offering to him.

Uses In Folk Magic:

  • Lettuce when grown in the garden is protective, but some say that if too many are raised, sterility will result in the household.
  • Add lettuce to diets specifically and magically geared to attract wealth..
    Lust & Love
  • The god Min not withstanding, lettuce has also been eaten as a means to cool sexual desire. If you wish to fortify yourself against temptations of the flesh, eat some lettuce.
  • Plant lettuce or cress seeds in the form of someone you love. If the seeds sprout well, so too will love between you.
  • Rub lettuce juice onto the forehead or eat the leaves to have no trouble falling asleep.


  • Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1998.
  • A Kitchen Witches' Guide to Vegetables. "Kitchen Witchery". Accessed: 22 December 2001.