Eeyore is also manifested as a small, plush toy which expounds wisdom when his left forepaw is pressed. This small, sagacious donkey-like mammal, however, seems to suffer from a slight disorder, causing him to repeat the same phrases, over and over, in seemingly random order. These phrases, recorded here for posterity's sake, are as follows:

Unhelpful Phrases
I have a question for you, if it's not too much trouble.
You wouldn't want me for a friend, would you?
Sorry to bother you, but is my tail still there?
Do you think I'll get a hug?
Pooh's my best friend, are you my friend, too?

Opening Phrases
Go ahead, ask a question, if you want.
Go ahead, ask me a question.
Got a question? Well, go ahead and ask it.
Hello. I'm Eeyore. What would you like to know?

Answering Phrases
Wouldn't count on it, but that's just me.
Looks like things are goin' your way.
Don't know for sure, but thanks for askin'.
I'll ask Pooh. Try again. Later.
Hooray for you.
Doesn't look good. Doesn't look bad either.
Sorry; not this time.
Ask again later, if you want to.
Go ahead and celebrate.
Looks pretty good.
Outcome looks sorta gloomy.
I'd tell you if I knew, but I don't.
It's your lucky day.
Hrmm, you can't win 'em all.
Looks good... for you. Must be nice.