Well, other than the current sleep abnormalities (which seem to be becoming sleep normalities *sigh*), I deem my self to be able to go ahead with Side Quest 2024 as my home internet connection dysfunction of the last two weeks or so has been restored to normal. And, I've got additional days off next week, so I'll have extra opportunities to contribute to and monitor the quest. My birthday gift to me, if one will. Also, I received enough positive feedback to pursue the quest with hope and enthusiasm and commit (and be committed to) it! (Also, if all goes arbitrarily well enough, I'll run another topical to begin on the next solstice after this one. Details to follow as applicable.)

Unrelated: I thoroughly enjoyed Jack-Jack Parr fighting the raccoon in Incredibles 2.

Tired and behind, more to say on June 20, 2024.