Informal substitue for anyway, however, or anyhow. This adverb is a transitional word that signals to one's audience that one is getting back on track after chasing rabbits, returning to the main point being made or as a conversational filler when one is about to change subjects. Also spelled anyhoo.

Example quotes:

"'Anywho, I have shit to fuck up, a world to set on fire, and payback that can’t wait much longer,' I laughed as I leaned over, kissing his lips." -- Amelia Hutchins, If She's Wicked
"See, whenever I see an opportunity, I charge it like a bull. 'Ned the Bull', that's me now. You know, I have friends who live and die by the actuarial tables and I say, 'Hey! It's all one big crap-shoot anywho!' Tell me, have you ever heard of single premium life because I think that could really be the ticket for you." -- Ned, Groundhog Day

Iron Noder