I should first explain that I have a moderately consistent dreamscape in my dreams. It's an odd amalgam of my maternal grandparents' house, my boarding school and several locations from old Nottingham, but it's often set either by a lake or near the coastline. There are other features that feature from time to time, including the fringes of Sherwood Forest and the meadows behind one of my childhood homes.

The first time I dreamt of Chrstine she was walking toward me through the meadow, wearing a plaid shirt and moss-green moleskin trousers. Oddly enough the same night she dreamed of me walking through a grassy field, a bit of synchronicity I simply could not ignore, and the first intimation that this woman was really, truly, Very Witchy (and that I am possibly somewhat witchy). In any event, it turned out that Christine did own a pair of trousers matching those I dreamt her in, so perhaps I was the witchy one here.

Christine died twelve-and-a-bit years ago, but she's still very present in my life (and Tessie's too). I still miss her every day; she was one of those rare people I just wanted to share every moment with, from the first jump into autumn leaf piles to sunrie and sunsets, landscapes and trees. From time to time I see something and just want to take a picture and send it to her phone (and yes, I still keep her contact details, what's that about?)

These days I'm more likely to share something with The Dryad, especially now that she's moved away. I sometimes wonder how she feels getting seemingly random pics from me, 2300 miles away as the crow flies.

But speaking of dryads, my sweetheart has been in many of my dreams of late, but the one I still recall was her with her children near the beach outside of town. I can close my eyes and visualise her sitting under a tree with her two youngest at her feet while they were reading. She so often appears as a protective mother dryad, part forest spirit and part momma bear, combining thedelicate elfin and the fierce. She reminds me so much of Christine that it hurts. Darling Dryad, you have the same compassionate magic and beauty and you still make my heat skip whenever I think of you. Pardon my random photos, it's just that I miss you but still want to share with you and be in your aura. I certainly miss you being in mine.