Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool

"Pacific Coast High Speed Rail" is the general term for proposed High Speed Rail lines through the Pacific Coast states of Washington, Oregon and California. Depending on the plan, it can even extend to Vancouver, British Columbia and Tijuana, Mexico. One of the main ideas of connecting California and the Pacific Northwest by High Speed Rail is that both areas are population dense, "high tech" areas and that it makes sense for people to zip between San Francisco and Portland at 200+ mph so we

:3 is an emoticon used to express sillyness or playfulness. Often by furries or those who spend time talking to furries via text, or those who spend time talking via text to those who spend time talking to furries via text, etc. You get the idea, it originated with furries, but unlike the (in)famous OwO and UwU, it spread much further and is used by more than just furries and adjacent groups. It is supposed to look like the face of a cat. (rotated sideways ofc)

Variants: (b

Gosh, I'm bored. I want to get back to work properly (boss has not yet asked for me at the two San Rafael markets and I'm itching to be back) I am missing not just the work and the social side but also the income (while I still have some savings left it's not going to be enough for me to pay rent, bills and do the travelling I want to do in the next few months). And it's certainly not enough to buy a much-needed new laptop; the keyboard on this one needs very careful treatment to get

--Sign outside the Apple Dumplin Restaurant, Springville, New York

The food was good, roadside diner fare in roadside diner surroundings. They waitress says "hon" and the owners don't accept plastic. The radio played music from the 1970s through to, perhaps, 2001. Ain't that America?

We spent the first night in small town Pennsylvania. Two of the