Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about more or less everything. Spend some time looking around and reading, or learn how to contribute.

Cream of the Cool

Responses to some FAQs i've been asked…

"…I want you out of bed and walking, walking, walking immediately after surgery. Your sternal wires really should make that incision stable, and if they’re not, the patient needs to say something and the physicians need to do something." ¹
—Dr. Steve Bolling (Heart Surgeon)

Whilt the quoation above is not from one of my doctors, it is certainly true that the




                                                                    Think of the keyboard as a key 


Under every stone,  a jewel

behind every door,   magic


Every word,  in every language, leads us to other worlds

lush vistas and magical stories 


verdant opens to gardens we have never seen 

The Ratlines

How the U.S. Government and the Vatican Helped Nazis Escape at the End of World War II

As World War II reached its end, Stalin’s army occupied vast regions of Europe. The threat of Nazism was quickly surpassed by the specter of Communism. Both the U.S. and the Vatican, two other influential powers in Europe, feared the growing influence of Communism. For the U.S., the threat was a militaristic one, as the Red Army was both vast

Some commentary on a geek poem.

If you've ever read The Pronunciation of Punctuation in Unix (and if you've not, I suggest you do!) you'll start to gain an appreciation of possibly the ultimate geek poem, once referenced at the University of Boulder, Colorado ¹:

In a recent magazine poll, readers established "waka" as the proper pronunciation for the angle-bracket characters < or >. The following poem appeared recently in the magazine.

The text