If you find any nodes you think should be in this category, message the maintainer (or an editor) with your suggestion.

Maintained By: wertperch

I wanted somewhere to collect the stories of my coming to the US, and the story of my life with Christine, and all that was worthwhile for us. I have many people asking me about how I came to be here in the US, and this seems like a good way of gathering the threads. One day I will put it all in something approaching chronological order.

1 Grundoon (person) wertperch writeup
2 An apology, a love note and a remembrance   e2node
3 Cold hands, warm hearts. Handfasting in London, wertperch and grundoon together.   e2node
4 December 21, 2004 (idea) grundoon writeup
5 PET scan (personal) grundoon writeup
6 April 2, 2012 (event) wertperch writeup
7 The hardest loss of breast cancer (personal) grundoon writeup