Presidential primaries for incumbent candidates are usually of not much interest, with only a few protest or vanity candidates usually disrupting the long, self-congratulatory process of nominating a sitting president. Sometimes, however, there are wrinkles. In some cases, like 1968, a serious challenge to a sitting president arises. This year, there was a wrinkle: Joe Biden wasn't on the ballot.
By its own law, New Hampshire is required to have the first primary contest in the country. But the Democratic Party, with the stated goal of increasing diversity, wanted to move the date after other, more diverse states. As such, New Hampshire ended up holding its contest early (by state law), but Joe Biden didn't put his name on the ballet, but instead opted for...a write-in campaign. The other two candidates on the ballot were Dean Phillips, a representative from suburban Minnesota whose main claim to fame is being the grandson of "Dear Abby"; and self-help advocate Marianne Williamson. As of the current writing, "write-in" seems to be winning with two-thirds of the vote, with most of those going to Joe Biden. Dean Phillips is getting about 20% of the vote. In other words, despite some concern (some of it of the troll kind) about Biden's age and political weaknesses--he is clearly winning the primary, even when not on the ballot.
It is not to say that public concerns about Biden's weaknesses --- his age, his centricism, his staunch refusal to wave a magic wand and satisfy everyone --- aren't real, but in the first time it came to the test, the Democratic Party seems to be more unified behind Joseph Biden than the Republican Party is unified behind Donald Trump.
And as another note, I will probably only be covering contests in the Democratic Primary if they have something interesting in them.