Phylum Arthropoda:

Arthropoda means "jointed feet".

General characteristics of Arthropods:

  • segmentation
  • hard exoskeleton: The exoskeleton protects the animal and provides points of attachment for the muscles that move the appendages.
  • jointed appendages: This diversifies their body plan; allowing their appendages for walking, feeding, sensory reception, copulation and defense.
  • open circulatory system

Phylum Arthropoda comprises of the following subgroups and some major classes:

*added by LadySun

Ar*throp"o*da (#), n. pl. [NL., fr. Gr. joint + -poda.] Zool.

A large division of Articulata, embracing all those that have jointed legs. It includes Insects, Arachnida, Pychnogonida, and Crustacea.

-- Ar*throp"o*dal (#), a.


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