August Maus started his naval career, with Germany, in April 1934 when he served on the light cruiser Nurnberg with the rank of Seekadett. After this tour, he served aboard the school ship, Schleswig-Holstein and received a promotion to Fahnrich zur See. In 1937, Maus received two promotions, first to Oberfahnrich zur See in January and then in April to Leutnant zu See.

In April of 1940, he transfered to the U-boat force and later that year received the Spanish Cross. Following his two months of training, he served for two patrols aboard U-86. During this time his commanding officer was Korvkpt. Karl-Friedrich Merten. In December 1941, he left U-86 and in June 1942 commissioned the U-185. With this boat, Maus made 3 sucessful patrols, including one that earned him the Iron Cross 1st Class, until on August 24, 1943, she was sunk by aircraft from the US escort carrier USS Core.

Maus was captured and spent 3 years as a POW. He spent time in Crossville, Tennesee and Papago Park. In January of 1944, Maus and four other U-boat captains escaped from camp, but were later captured in Tucson. Later he helped dig a tunnel through which 25 POWs escaped from. Maus was transfered to the British zone of Germany after the war and was finally released. He became a successful businessman in Hamburg.

Maus sank a total of 9 ships or 62.761 tons worth and damaged 1 ship or 6.840 tons. He was awarded the Knights Cross on September 21, 1943.

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