For those who came in late.....
Carlos is: 26, Male, Astrophysicist from the University of Arizona, He is 6'4" short and he wears dark socks.
Carlosian Virtual Description
Carlosian Attire
Carlos' Geek Code
Baron Carlos often talks in the third person, not because he is pompous, but rather the opposite, he's unworthy of first person vernacular.
The Baron of DarknessThe Sneaky Bastard
The Dark Knight of the Forum
Geekus Carlosianénsis nítens
Jegil Gihat, Yblcav of Nova
- Son of:
- Ragil Piercebig, Yblcrown of Dexa
Sygie Lundreed, Eischev of Estro
.... and A Pompous Ass.
Carlosian "How-To"s:
Carlosian GuidesWhere to Find Carlos
Everything Time ProjectNot so Famous Quotes by Famous People
Nodes from the Underground
The Carlosian Dream Project
The Carlosian Cubicle Culture Project
The Human Dynamics Project
The Babylon 5 Project
Literary Works:
The ServerThe Pirates of Everything