A not uncommon (
and suck my double negative, grammar-boy !) finding on the net these days, this kind of
pr0n site is written in a language you do not understand, and yet the content is uniquely compelling.
For this reason, you surf blindly klicking on every clickable thing or underlined word, hoping to hit the magic link that will lead you to those imagined thrills that you are sure you will find here.
The site's design is almost always bad, the webmaster probably lost his mind through masturbation and sake, or perhaps schnapps.
There is always a big counter, that takes ages to load.
There may even be child porn, which might land you in some serious hot water if so much as your ISP, government, mom or boss gets wind that that stuff transited through their bit pipes.
The URL looks peculiar, it will look even more peculiar when Echelon delivers it to evil spook creatures.
And remember: babelfish won't help, not at all.
a kiss on the nose to Razhumikin that actually read this with great attention