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Brennan Lee Mulligan
What you call insanity, I call practice.
I guess I've been in this VHS tape for thirty years.
In any world in which i was your friend for even a day, i am grateful.
as light fills these rooms, and those within are healed
as she suddenly realizes that the Heart that she has been praying to did not send somebody... but is, instead, here.
the unbroken shard
you put rocks in the bag. you carry it as long as you can. and then you find somewhere you love, and you put the rocks down.
i hope there are those in this world who know what a gift it is to have anyone that knows the whole of their heart
how deep run the shadows of this world
What you hold, you've bargained for dearly. And i think you know.
the other side of randomness is, occasional miracles happen
We're going the right way. The forest goes deeper.
the game is not about what you prepare. it's about what happens.
there are people in the world who love you, and they will see that this suffering will not have happened in vain
i've been changed, and i am starving
think for yourself, and be curious
You are a babbling fool, and we have built a temple to madness.
game changer
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