Alpha Delta Phi
2422 Prospect St.
Berkeley, CA 94704
Located south of Memorial Stadium on Prospect Street in Berkeley, California is the California Chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi. During the school year, the house is the primary residence and meeting place of the brothers of the Alpha Delta Phi. The house is open and available to boarders during the summer.
The physical structure of the house dates back well over a century, having been constructed originally as a farmhouse in the Berkeley foothills. Alpha Delta Phi - California Chapter is the only fraternity to boast a swimming pool at UC Berkeley; in addition, there are two functional fireplaces, a pool table, a ping pong table, as well as an outdoor deck, basketball court, and barbeque pit.
This is pretty terse... I had inadvertently left it as a nodeshell a couple months ago and just came back upon it today while updating the
Cal metanode. There will be more later...