A fabulous writer, poet, therapist, and queen of sex radicals. Her books, co-authored with Catherine Liszt, are:

Her writing is also in:

SM Classics edited by Susan Wright

Bitch Goddess - The Spiritual Path of the Dominant Woman - Pat Califia

The little-known but fabulous zine, Slut Utopia and in many other places... I will have to write up a full list.

Pat Califia's poem "Handmade" in the book Diesel Fuel is dedicated to her.

I feel compelled to add that she plays a mean game of Scrabble, and she reads really cool books that no one else seems to know about, like Elsie Dinsmore and Kalila and Dimna.

"My main contribution to both the S/M and lesbian communities is my unstinting effort to reclaim the word "slut."

--- Dossie Easton

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