ENFANTILLAGES PITTORESQUES (dedicated to Mme. Leon Verneuil, dated October 22, 1913)
Piano Music of Erik Satie Volume 3)
      Petit prelude a la journee: To get right up. To behave properly. To do the hair nicely. To look at oneself
carefully. To conduct oneself well. To have a good walk. To be well.
      Berceuse: The day is ended. Pierrot is going to bed. He has been very good, very good. His mother kisses him. He goes to bed, satisfied with himself, and says, “Will Grandpa and grandma know that I’ve been very good?” Yes, says the mother--who will tell them--They’ll see it in the paper. Pierrot goes to sleep, full of pride.
      March du grand escalier: It’s a grand staircase. It has more than a thousand steps, all ivory. It is very beautiful. No
one dares use it for fear of ruining it. The king himself has never used it. To leave his room he jumps out the window. Also, he often says, “I like the staircase so much I am going to have it stuffed.” Isn’t the king right?
Satie, the velvet gentleman’s own strange stories on the music itself.