1. One who scouts for persons or places to be robbed by others. 2. Amy indefinite word or act used to elicit information, or to sound out a prospective victim of crime. "Give that bull (policeman) that snared (caught us) a feeler. I think he'll do business (take a bribe)."

- american underworld dictionary - 1950

Feel"er (?), n.


One who, or that which, feels.

2. Zool.

One of the sense organs or certain animals (as insects), which are used in testing objects by touch and in searching for food; an antenna; a palp.

Insects . . . perpetually feeling and searching before them with their feelers or antennae. Derham.


Anything, as a proposal, observation, etc., put forth or thrown out in order to ascertain the views of others; something tentative.


© Webster 1913.

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