You should familiarize yourself with C++ and templates to get the most out of this writeup.

Generic Java, or GJ, or JSR-014 is the proposed extension to Java to include templates (parametric polymorphism, which I shorten to paramorphism) ala C++ with some nifty new features. Generic Java is currently a prototype that compiles Java bytecode compatible with Java 1.3 and up.

A Brief History

In 1997, a team of programmers from the University of Glasgow, including Martin Odersky and Phil Wadler designed an extension to Java for templates called Pizza (which itself was a spinoff of the EspressoGrinder project). Pizza dabbled not only with the idea of paramorphism, but also with the idea of algebraic types, that is classes generated at compile time using case statements to further refine the parent class. Think of it as a class definition scattered about in different places of your source code, an implicit class definition. Pizza was also capable of producing plain Java code with all template references removed to be compiled later with regular Java classes.

Out of this grew the programming language GJ (Generic Java), which removed the concept of algebraic types and refined the concept of f-bounded paramorphism.

Sun Microsystems selected this language as the candidate for the new compiler that will hopefully become standard in JDK 1.5.

An Example of GJ


public class Stack<A> {

   public Node<A> top;

   private class Node<A> extends Object {

      public A       value;
      public Node<A> previous;

      public Node (A value) {
         this.value    = value;
         this.previous = null;

   } // StackNode

   public Stack () {


   public boolean isEmpty () {
      return (top == null);

   public void push (A value) {

      if (isEmpty()) {
        top = new Node<A> (value);
      else {
        Node<A> newNode = new Node<A> (value);
        newNode.previous = top;
        top = newNode;


   public A getTop () throws StackEmptyException {

      if (isEmpty())
        throw new StackEmptyException ();
      return top.value;


   public A pop () throws StackEmptyException {

      A x;

      if (isEmpty())
        throw new StackEmptyException ();
      x = top.value;
      top = top.previous;

      return x;


   public Stack<A> reverse () {

      Stack<A> newStack = new Stack<A> ();

      if (isEmpty())
        return newStack;

      Node<A> currentNode = top;

      while (currentNode != null) {
         newStack.push (currentNode.value);
         currentNode = currentNode.previous;

      return newStack;


   public void print (PrintStream ps) {

      Stack<A> reverseStack = reverse ();

      System.out.print ("Result(s): ");

      if (reverseStack.isEmpty()) {
        System.out.println ("");

      StackNode currentNode =;

      System.out.println (currentNode.value.toString());

      while ( != null) {
         currentNode =;
         System.out.println ("           " + currentNode.value.toString());


   public void println (PrintStream ps) {
      print (ps);

} // Stack

Notice :

  1. The constructor signature does not refer to the type parameter "A". It doesn't need to. But when one creates a new Stack, he must supply a concrete parameter, unless that constructor call is itself contained within a paramorphic class referring to A as a type parameter as well.
  2. At no point is an A constructor called. The type of A has to be known in order to have its constructor called. All constructors have an A passed to them externally.

Differences Between Generic Java and C++

The first notable difference between GJ and C++ is that all parametric polymorphic classes are typesafe. Many programmers opposing templates (as far as C++ is concerned) often state that templates are nothing more than glorified macros that can lead to runtime errors due to passing a value of the wrong type to a template-clad class. This is largely true for C++, yet not for Generic Java. Generic Java gets around this problem in three ways.

  1. Template-clad classes cannot instantiate any objects matching the parameter class, let's say "A", unless given an appropriate constructor class, that is, a class with a static method that returns a new object of type A.
  2. The GJ compiler checks that each object passed to the template-clad class matches the type parameter at compile-time.
  3. And lastly, the GJ compiler, removes all type parameter references from the bytecode, instead replacing them with either Object, or an appropriate interface name. So the compiled version of a parametric polymorphic class is identical to the version that uses Object casts (or casts to an interface). Any violation of casting rules is caught at runtime.

The second notable difference between GJ and C++ is that one cannot use literals as parameters to a class, that is one cannot create a Vector<ElementType,3> to specify a 3 dimensional Vector.

Common Pitfalls and Shortcomings of GJ

One less visible pitfall or trap that I have fallen into in the past is overlooking which classes are inheriting type parameters. Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java, even when: a) the inherited class is inherited as a type parameter and when b) there is a compelling reason to want to inherit two or more type parameters via multiple inheritance.

public interface Ring <A,(+),(-),(*),(0)>
       extends CommutativeGroup <A,(+),(-),(0)>,
               SemiGroup <A,(*)> {


public interface CommutativeGroup <A,(+),(/),(1)>

       extends CommutativeGroupoid <A,(+)>,
               Group <A,(+),(-),(1)> {

public interface SemiGroup <A,(+)>
       extends Groupoid <A,(+)> {

Look carefully at the definition for Ring, and it's easily deduced that Ring extends both Groupoid <A,(+)> and Groupoid <A,(*)>. Okay not so easy. The ()'s are just there to mimic "big-o-plus", meaning (+) and (*) may not be the normal + and * learned in grade school.

Neat Things That GJ Does

Type Erasure

Decompiling the class produced by GJ with JAD produces :

public class Stack {
   private class Node {

      public Object value;
      public Node previous;

      public Node(Object obj) {
         value = obj;
         previous = null;

   public Node top;

   public Stack() {

   public boolean isEmpty() {
      return top == null;

   public void push(Object obj) {
      if(isEmpty()) {
         top = new Node(obj);
      } else {
         Node node = new Node(obj);
         node.previous = top;
         top = node;

   public Object getTop() throws StackEmptyException {
      if(isEmpty()) {
         throw new StackEmptyException();
      } else {
         return top.value;

   public Object pop() throws StackEmptyException {
      if(isEmpty()) {
         throw new StackEmptyException();
      } else {
         Object obj = top.value;
         top = top.previous;
         return obj;

   public Stack reverse() {
      Stack stack = new Stack();
      if(isEmpty()) {
         return stack;
      for(Node node = top; node != null; node = node.previous) {

      return stack;

Notice that all the A's have been replaced by Object's. If A had extended an interface type like Comparable, then the Object's would be Comparable's. This is equivalent to using Object casting as a means of genericity (a staple in Java programming).

F-Bounded Paramorphism

Sometimes we want to restrict the resulting type returned by methods defined in a class to a specific hierarchy. Let's say we have a group of classes that are Number-like, that is classes like Real, Fraction, Complex, etc. If we define a class Number like so:

public interface Number {

   Number add (Number x);
   Number subtract (Number x);
   Number multiply (Number x);
   Number divide (Number x);


and then define Real, Fraction and Complex as extensions of Number, then the result of any arithmetic method between two objects of the same type will be Number. But it is not necessarily true that all extensions of Number are compatible with each other. What we want to do in this case is define Number like so:

public interface Number<T> {

   T add (T x);
   T subtract (T x);
   T multiply (T x);
   T divide (T x);

and then define say Complex as:
public class Complex implements Number<Complex> {

   public Complex add (Complex x) { ... }
   public Complex subtract (Complex x) { ... }
   public Complex multiply (Complex x) { ... }
   public Complex divide (Complex x) { ... }


Note that Complex is defined as an extension of Number<Complex>. What we've done here is ensure that any result of any arithmetic method defined by Complex will also result in a Complex number as well.

Type Signatures In Bytecode

Just because GJ removes type information from the compiled class does not mean this information is lost permanently. If JAD were designed differently, it could regenerate all the type references within Stack by using the type signature included in the bytecode.

The standard Java type signatures use L to adorn typenames, and T to adorn type parameters. All the type parameters are in class signature. A standard Java class loader would ignore everything after Stack within the <>'s.

How to use Generic Java classes and why we need them

While the above writeup is informative, it leaves out two important things: how do we use these generic classes, and why do we even need them?

Let us begin by a (contrived) example. Let's say we want to have a Vector of Integer objects, we want to insert 1, 2, and 3 into the vector, and print out the second element. In normal Java, we would write the code like this:

    Vector ints = new Vector;

    ints.addElement(new Integer(1));
    ints.addElement(new Integer(2));
    ints.addElement(new Integer(3));

    //What if we insert something that is not an Integer?
    ints.addElement("Hello world!");

    Integer i = (Integer) ints.elementAt(2);

Now, there are some problems with this approach. One is that because the return type of elementAt() is Object, every time we extract an element from our vector, we need to remember what type of object the vector stores, and cast it accordingly. As any experienced Java programmer will tell you, most of the need for annoying downcasts comes from these kinds of operations.

The other problem is that addElement() expects something of type Object as parameter. This means that you can accidentally insert a string, as in the above code, and the compiler can't catch this mistake for you.

The solution is in generics aka parameterized types. That is, classes are allowed to have parameters that will determine their type. In our example, we can declare a Vector that will only accept objects of type Integer as the parameter to addElement(), and as the return type of elementAt(). Here's how our example would look in the GJ:

    Vector ints = new Vector();
    ints.addElement(new Integer(1));
    ints.addElement(new Integer(2));
    ints.addElement(new Integer(3));
    //now, if we add something that is not an integer,
    //the compiler will detect the error
    ints.addElement("Hello World!"); //<--- ERROR HERE

    Integer i = ints.elementAt(2); //notice, no casts anymore!

As you can imagine, Generic components are very useful especially for container types like Vector, Stack, and Hashtable. It is widely expected that Sun will officially add generics into the jdk 1.5 version of Java.

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