The second book written by
Henry Beard, attempting to allow the
hoi polloi to inject a bit of culture into their lives. In much the same vein as
Latin for All Occasions, this book looks at a number of situations, and gives the latin
translations of
useful phrases.
Here are some excerpts:
- Casual Latin
- Let it all hang out. - Totum dependeat
- If you put a little pyramid on top, does that make something postmodern? - Si in culmine pyramidem parvam superponas ita fit postnovitas?
Personal Latin
- I am a Master of the Universe! - Magister Mundi Sum!
- Some bagbiting technoweenie put a hungus Trojan Horse in my program! It is Munged! - Artifex plumipes qui merdam manducat in meo libello electronico qui regit computatorem equum Troianum posuit! Pessum datum est!
Convivial Latin
Regional Latin
- Hey, good buddy, you got your ears on? There's a Smokey at Exit 10. - Heia, amice bone, auscultasne? Ursus Fumosus adest in Exitu Decem.
- I have never seen cheese prepared in so many different ways. - Nunquam visi caseum in tantis modis diversis paratum.
International Latin
- Stand aside, plebians, I am on Imperial business! - Recedite, plebes! Gero rem Imperialem!
- How come no one here speaks Latin? This is Latin America, isn't it? - Quapropter non adsunt qui Latine loquantur? Nonne est haec America Latina?
Confidential Latin
General Latin
- Is Cookie Monster in this story? - Interestne Monstrum Qui Crustula Devorat huic fabulae?
- THIMK - COGGITE (For those who don't get it, it's misspelled on both sides of the translation, intentionally.
Sports-Fanatical Latin
- Swing, batter! - Pelle, Percutor!
- Just like Gaul, Just like Gaul, Divide them up into three parts, Just like Gaul! - Sicut Gallia, Sicut Gallia, illi vobis in tres partes divendi sunt!
Essential Latin
Pop-Cultural Latin
- It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman! - Avis est! Aeronavis est! Supervir est!
- The devil made me do it! - Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem!
Commerical Latin
- Tastes Great! Less Filling! - Iucunde sapit! Minime implet!
- Where's the beef? - Ubi est bubula?
Celebrational Latin
- If I drink this funny looking beer, will my pee turn green too? - Si bibam hanc cerevisiam, quae speciem insolitam praebet, urinane mea eveniet quoque viridans?
- That mask isn't very scary. Have you ever seen a Helvetian? - Larva illa non est formidolosior. Umquam vidisti Helvetium?