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Easy, light, summery, simple and quick: a perfect weeknight meal for 2 that requires no further introduction. Quite simply, take: 2 chicken breasts A handful of basil leaves 3-5 garlic cloves Juice of 1 lemon 1/2 cup dry white wine 1 teaspoon coarse salt Freshly milled pepper Then, very easily, do: If you have a meat mallet, beat the chicken breasts until they are an equal thickness all across. If you don't, the same effect can be achieved with a rolling pin. Or you could, you know, not bother. In a pestle, crush the garlic with the salt until a paste is achieved. Whisk in the lemon juice. Pour into a bowl or flat-bottomed dish and add the pepper, wine and chopped or torn basil leaves. Whisk it all up, pop the chicken in and make sure it's all covered in the marinade. Leave for about 1 hour. Preheat a flat griddle pan or non-stick frying pan until it's good and hot (a droplet of water fizzles away pretty much instantaneously). Place the chicken breasts in the middle and pour over the remaining marinade. Grill for 3-4 minutes each side if the escalopes have been beaten thin, a todgy bit longer if they haven't. Eat. With salad, new potatoes, couscous or some pasta quickly tossed in olive oil and grated Parmesan, if you're feeling industrious.
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