user since
Wed Jul 15 1998 at 20:57:39 (26.3 years ago )
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most recent writeup
julee cruise (person)
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yo. im not quite sure what ppl write on these things, so for now i'll just give my usual misc interests:

music: sonic youth, pixies, nirvana, pop will eat itself, nine inch nails, liz phair, helium, breeders, smashing pumpkins

mov.ies: 12 monkeys, Brazil -(the Movie), twin peaks: fire walk with me, lost highway, clockwork orange

books: glapagos by kurt vonnegut, breakfast of champions by kurt vonnegut, gravity's rainbow by thomas pynchon (still reading it....)

i guess thats all for now. im gonna be a senior in highschool next year if that matters *shrug*.