The members are:
The sound is exquisite.
Psychedelic? Maybe on She Hangs Brightly.
Dreamy? Maybe on So Tonight...
Quiet? Maybe on Among My Swan.
The best way I can describe Mazzy Star is to say they made pretty music. Not very radio friendly (at least here in the UK. Music radio is very sterile in this country. I have only heard Mazzy Star once, on my local indie station Xfm. Even that was a 'daring' move for a daytime DJ. Then again it was during the 1998 World Cup so only a few people were listening).
Hope has a voice that fits her band's sound. It reminds me of the shoegazing type - blend the human voice on top of the FX'd guitars. She sang on the The Chemical Brothers' 'Asleep From Day'.
My favourite track is either Into Dust or Fade Into You. Which kinda makes my favourite album So Tonight..
When I get my first guitar, rather than excitedly murder 'Stairway To Heaven' I'm going to attempt 'Into Dust'
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