Moorland Chicken. Another
fad which didn't make it over here because
Americans 'don't get it' (see
Flat Eric for another example of this).
German duck hunt game, for the
Windows PCs, populated with
cartoony chicken
figures and
sound FX.
Europe went absolutely
apeshit over that game. Hidden in the game are
Easter Eggs that keep the player interested.
The game was originally
commissioned by
Johnny Walker whisky for a
marketing campaign.
One of the few english website explaining the madness:
Moorhuhn releases:
- MoorHuhn Jagd (Johnny Walker)
- Moorhuhn 2 (by Computer Channel, puzzles and Easter Eggs added)
- Moorhuhn Winter Edition (by Chip-Online, M2 with a Winter Theme)
- Moorhuhn 3 (with, the final chapter in the Trilogy, just released)
- coming soon : Moorfrosch (Moor Frog)