Poogy be Pita is a CD published by
Kaveret, also known as
Poogy. It has 14 tracks.
The First Track is called
Natati La Khayai, or,
I gave her my life.
The Second Track is called
Moishe Ken, Moishe Lo, or
Sometimes Yes, Sometimes No
The Third Track is entitled
Bayom oo Balaila, directly translated, it means
During the Day or the Night, but is called in English
The Cold Shoulder
Fourth is called L'amor et la via (I believe that is French, but I don't know and it doesn't matter because there are no words in it except 'L'amor et la via'.
Fifth is
Sucar Betokh ha-Tei,
Sugar in the Tea
Sixth is
Hora Hayakhzut, which I don't know how to translate into English.
Seventh is Hatamanon Ha'itar, or Left Handed Octopus, which is a purely instrumental piece.
Eighth is
LeKhol Davar Mekhir, or
Everything has its price.
Ninth is just called Protest Song, it just rambles a bit and there's a gunshot and the sound dies.
Tenth, is
HaBalladah Al AriVederchi, which is
The Ballad of Ari and Derchi.
Eleventh is
Lev Zahav, or
Heart of Gold
Twelfth is
Hora, or
Settlement Song
Thirteenth is
Ten Li Likhyeh,
Let Me Live
Fourteenth is
Afsakat Hashmal,
The other two Poogy CD's I have are
Tzafoof ba'Ozen and
Sipurei Poogy