Presbyopia is a condition in which the eye’s lens loses flexibility and makes it difficult to focus on objects close by. The loss of flexibility is a gradual process over a number of years, and the condition usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid 40s. Unlike Myopia, Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process and cannot be prevented. Since there is no cure to this condition, Presbyopia can only be corrected using contact lenses and reading glasses. Bifocals and trifocals can also be used.

Pres`by*o"pi*a (?) [NL., from Gr. old, n., an old man + , , the eye.] Med.

A defect of vision consequent upon advancing age. It is due to rigidity of the crystalline lens, which produce difficulty of accommodation and recession of the near point of vision, so that objects very near the eyes can not be seen distinctly without the use of convex glasses. Called also presbytia.


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