I fully accept that small things do add up to larger ones. I don't believe it happens everywhere (and certainly not in efforts like reducing CO2 emissions, but that's beside the point), but September is the month of small things adding up.

September was the month when all the little messages, voice notes and single butterflies in the stomach added up, so that me confessing to her was not so much a desire, but a need. Being rejected was a blow, of course, but had nothing to do with the inner pressure I felt.

September was the month of small fraud finally building up at my job way back in 2014. One bribe here and one mismanaged dollar there, and "suddenly" there was no money, no payroll, no equipment. Small acts that seemed like a small evil with immediate gains ended up with the company closing down 8 months later.

September was the month of small buildups of pressure being suddenly released in the form of an earthquake. This happened in September 19 1985 and once again on September 19, 2017 and by almost miraculous chance, again on September 19, 2022.

September is the time for harvesting the fruits of summer's labor, whether physical, mental or emotional. In the Northern Hemisphere, it's the beginning of the great wind-down as we welcome fall and prepare for winter.

September is never an easy month. The Universe is indifferent to us, but we try to wrap it to the rigid structure of the calendar anyways. Maybe September is merely the month when I realize these things.


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