In the heart of the city, beneath neon skies,
A Smiling Blue Person with sparkling eyes.
With a grin like the crescent moon, wide and bright,
He wanders through shadows, bringing soft light.

His skin, a canvas of cerulean hue,
Reflects the deep oceans and skies of blue.
A smile that hides stories untold and unseen,
A beacon of joy in a world so serene.

He passes by strangers in bustling streets,
His presence a melody, a rhythm that beats.
Each passerby pauses, their worries erased,
By the gentle warmth of his glowing embrace.

He's more than a figure, a mystical sight,
A symbol of hope in the darkest of night.
His smile a reminder that joy can persist,
Even when life's trials and troubles exist.

So next time you wander under neon's glow,
Look for the Smiling Blue Person you'll know.
A brief moment of magic, a fleeting embrace,
Illuminates sadness, leaving no trace.

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