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Snufkin is a character from Tove Jansonn's Moomintroll books.

He is an adventurous wanderer who has no home and spends his life travelling the world. He has a reputation for his bravery and wild journeys, making him popular with all the characters in Moomin Valley. We first meet him in the first book of the series, Comet in Moominland, when Moomintroll and Sniff are sailing down a river on their raft.

He is Moomintroll's best friend, visiting Moomin Valley every year spring and remaining there until winter when he travels south again and the Moomins go into hibernation.

He prides himself on having few material possessions, prefering to keep memories rather than objects. Ironically, he is fiercely defensive of the items he does own though, especially his hat. When another characeter suggests he might replace his old, worn hat, Snuffkin objects strongly. He goes on to explain that he has had the hat his whole life, since his mother put him in it as a baby and placed him in a river to sail away.

He is often asked to tell one of his tales or play a song on his harmonica, another one of his few yet treasured posessions. He spends much of his time composing and playing songs on his harmonica throughout the Moomin tales.

In the Japanese Anime of the Moomins, Snufkin spends his time in Moomin Valley living in his tent nearby the bridge built by Moominpappa across the river to the Moominhouse. Despite being so close to the big Moominhouse, he prefers to sleep outside in his tent, spending his days fishing, playing his harmonica and generally keeping to himself until Moomin asks him to go on an adventure.

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