Solea (or Soleares in the plural) is an Andalusian gypsy term signifying loneliness.

Adapted from the Spanish word soledad (solitude), the Solea is an example of cante jondo or "deep song" in the Flamenco repertoire. As such, its lyrics are always serious and its themes profound. The form dates back at least 400 years, and verses identical to the songs heard today can be found in the works of Miguel de Cervantes.

Appropriate to its roots, many aficionados consider soleares to be "the Mother of Flamenco."

a single verse, por soleares, by way of example:

La muerte a mi cama vino
Death came to my bedside
y no me quiso lleva;
but did not wish to take me
no estaba cumplio mi sino
as my destiny was not complete.
y al irse me eche a llora
On its departure I began to weep.

The most respected interpreter of Soleares in the world today is La Fernanda de Utrera,
who has spent her entire life mastering the form.

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