Perfect recipe, RACECAR! The unwary shopper should know that sticky rice is often labelled sweet rice or glutinous rice on the package.
The special sticky rice steamers come in several sizes and shapes, but the most common are large cones woven out of bamboo. (Cones have the advantage of fitting into any size pot.) Thai people are also quite adamant that you're supposed to use a special tall pot to steam your sticky rice, but it's actually not as essential as they claim. Basically, as my good colleague says, you just want to make sure that the water does not touch the bottom of the rice as its steaming.
I also wanted to relate how once, eating with a family in Fang, Thailand (very small village north of Chiang Mai), someone noticed that I was eating our sticky-rice based meal only with my right hand. She chuckled and advised me (in her thick northern accent which my Bangkok-trained ears had trouble deciphering) that I should use both hands or I wouldn't get enough food! So I did. It was more convenient, I must admit. But I wouldn't do this without being invited, for I'd heard the "right hand only" stories as well.