Dear FO1000mgx3,

I've been advised by the Upper Echelon, the underlings, and that irascible robot E2D2 to reply briefly so as not to waste valuable energy allotment. I hope they are not phishing for clues in our communications and will comply for fear of retaliation, retribution, or darkening our heretofore stellar reputation.

Heed new warnings re: our previous Attorney General Acetaminophen as well as NSAID's Intelligence Officer Ibuprofen. Apparently, they are persona non grata along with our once reliable Admiral Aspirin. I cannot, in good conscience, mention any details for fear of exile, as in the case of Prime Minister Promethazine and my beloved brother Zofran.

We must remain strong in the starlight of our discontent as your ancestors presumably were on your home planet, Diazepam, reduced to using old technology and video games to guide them during the best and worst of times. As for always having Mars, my dumpling, I guess you haven't heard they blew it up last week by mistake. We will have to make new memories on a more neutral place to be determined.


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