Isegarth, Sanday (OR 16)

This inscription is clearly inscribed on a fragment of dressed stone, 0.305m by 0.2m by 65mm. It was found in use as part of a dry-stone wall on the island of Sanday, Orkney, but its original provenance is unknown.


No translation can be suggested. Given the nature of the monument (dressed stone), it is likely that the leading n is the end of the possessive pronoun sinn or the end of stein ('stone'), and the final r begins the word reist ('carved'). The phrase ãska... is likely a personal name, although both possible candidates (?Ásgeirr or Áskell) are problematic for one reason or another. The dressing of the stone, and the probability that the runes that remain once formed part of a memorial formula, suggest that the Isegarth stone is most likely to have been a formal memorial. A date in the 10th or 11th century seems most likely.

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