The Royal House of Thebes and the Atreidae

                                    Agenor                                           The House of Atreus:
                       ________________|________________                                     Zeus
                       |                               |                                       |
                     Cadmus___Harmonia        Zeus___Europa                                 Tantalus
                            |                   ___|_______                          __________|__________
                            |                   |         |                          |                   | 
                            |             Rhadamanthus  Minos___Pasiphae           Pelops___Hippodamia Niobe
    ________________________|_______________     _____________|_______________________    |
    |        |       |     |               |     |        |        |                 |    |
 Autonoe    Ino    Agave Semele___Zeus Polydorus |        |        |                 |    |
    |        |       |          |          | Androgeus Ariadne Phaedrea___Theseus Catreus |
 Actaeon Melicertes  |      Dionysus   Labdacus                         _____________|    |        
                 Pentheus                                               |        _________|________ 
                     |                                                  |        |        |       |
                 Menoeceus                                            Aerope___Atreus Thyestes Pittheus
          ___________|__________                                   __________|            |       |
          |                    |                                   |         |        Aegisthus   | 
        Creon               Jocasta___Laius     Clytemnestra___Agamemnon Menelaus___Helen      Aethra___Aegeus
    ______|______                   |               _________|_________           |                   | 
    |           |      Jocasta___Oedipus            |        |        |       Hermione             Theseus
Menoeceus II  Haemon __________|________________ Orestes Iphigenia Electra                            |
                     |         |        |      |                                                  Hippolytus
                 Eteocles Polyneices Antigone Ismene 

cited from: Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Little Brown & Company, January 1950.

Because of the extensiveness of the total family tree, some gods appear in more than one tree. Note the incest.

The Genealogy of the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Mythology Metanode

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