Pull it in! Tight! Tiller over a bit... closer to the mark, need to be upwind as much as possible for the next leg... tighter... nearly there... overlap! "WATER!" And round we go... hup! Squeeze past the other boat.

Over to the other side - quick! Balance, sheet in, go! Not too much... luff up a bit; reduce the lean. Further... quick, before it gets serious... sails out a bit, fast! Let the gust blow through... Oh no, here we go... drop it, jump! Over the side before it throws you in. Stand on the centreboard; hold on as the sail hits the water... thwack! There it goes. More speed, less haste; let's get this thing going again, the rest are catching up. Grab the sheet... lean...

Further... dammit, LEAN... no, there it goes, right the way over. What the hell do I do now?

A day in the life of a dinghy turning turtle. From just rolled over getting underway again is fairly straightforward, but when it's right over... what then? The centreboard is pointing straight up, so you can't stand on it... the mast may well be stuck in the mud at the bottom, and depending on the type of boat there's probably an airtight seal around the edge, holding the boat to the water.

At this point you can't just use force; you've got to break that seal. This can be done by going to the front of the boat and pressing down, hard. This should lift an edge out of the water, breaking the seal, and making it easier to right.

Do the same as usual, grab the opposite jib sheet, lean back, PULL. You'll have to do it at an angle to keep the air gap open, but when it starts rising move towards the centre, ready to jump over the side as it comes up. Keep it steady; let it turn towards the wind so the sails don't blow the boat straight back over on top of you.

As it rises.. clamber in, over the side, steady, as full of water most boats are very unstable. If you've a centreboard, pull it up if there's water coming in. If you can, open the bailers and sail it out; if not, grab that bucket.

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